"One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small." The interpretation used in the passage, is that Alice was using some sort of drugs. She was hallucinating, of growing and shrinking rather than doing so. "And the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all", suggests that when you are "prescribed" a pill, you are meant to have that drug. If the drugs come from someone …show more content…
Dreams and psychedelics show sloppy logic, while under the influence of drugs, they throw your proportions out of alignment. "And the white knight is talking backward", who never talks backwards, yet Alice does. Sometimes when you are on drugs, you act and say strange things, like blaming people for your mistake. Alice blamed the knight for talking backwards, when if fact, she said "Jabberwocky" backwards in the text. This also could imply the use of heroin, since you pull back the needle after injection, before you shoot it up. "And the red queen's of with her head", this connects drugs and losing your mind. The queen always refers to this line, before even considering what she is saying. This implies that the line could suggest the queen has 'lost her head', stating that the queen might also be on drugs. The queen runs fast, but never gets anywhere, and is associated with distortions of time and motion. "Remember what the dormouse said, feed your head", If you don't feed you'r brain with drugs, it might cost you. The mouse thinks you need to take drugs to feel better, and the moment you are feeling down, take more