The Unwanted series seems to revolve around the identical Stowe twins Aaron and Alex. In a gray world reminiscent to the clone-suburbia of A Wrinkle of Time, the people of Quill are separated into three groups once they turn 13: Wanteds, Necessaries, and Unwanteds (Horan 2). The Wanted's, are supposedly the strongest and most intelligent, are educated with hopes of becoming leaders of the Military, maintaining their troops and their defenses against enemies being the most important thing to the people of Quill.(Horan 2)The Necessaries are nothing special and perform manual labor in order to keep the citizens of Quill with food and water, and the Unwanteds, who are identified and deemed unworthy by exhibiting any signs of creativity or emotion, are …show more content…
(Lisa 10) . Lisa wanted to be a writer ever since she was in 4th grade, Lisa found the idea of writing “The Unwanteds” from her children day at school . Lisa found out that her kid’s school cut the art program . Lisa felt their creativity was being limited, so she came up with an idea . Lisa pitched the idea of a world where kids would die for being creative. Its takes Lisa several months to write a book. But for The Unwanteds it didn't take her that long to edit so it sped up the writing a book process . Lisa writing schedule consist of updating her blog,answering interview questions,working on the Unwanteds