There are copious amounts of detrimental factors such as perfectionism, the need to fill an inner void, and the impulsive pressure to seek excitement that lead up to one of the most common disorders, oniomania. The word onios means “for sale” in Greek, while “mania” means insanity. Oniomania is the psychiatric term for shopaholism. Other words for this term include compulsive shopping or buying and shopping addiction. Most causes for compulsive shopping are psychological damages and should be treated immediately. Avoiding the issue can cause difficulties with finances and relationships. Shopping addicts sometimes have a hard time to stop spending. There are many penalties for compulsive buying, which usually continue long after a binge. Compusive buying can be devastating to relationships, marriages, jobs, family, and friends. Other problems can incorporate crumbling credit history, robbery, bankruptcy, and much more. These negative effects usually worsen a person oniomania due to the fact that they are already struggling from emotional issues.
One of the most common reasons for why people suffer from shopaholism is perfectionism. Perfectionism is the belief of trying to achieve the best. Even though this might not sound destructive, there are always unhealthy forms of perfectionism. Some people struggle with insecurities, which triggers them to shop and try to be that so called “perfect” image that they see in their mind. These types of people also have the desire to be approved by society. Others who struggle with this issue usually have overly high expectations of themselves, which can sometimes lead to anxiety. For example, if a Vanessa’s friend has shoes that are over $200, Vanessa may feel the need to buy something for the same amount or more so she doesn’t feel like a disappointment. For example, if a Vanessa’s friend has shoes that are over $200, Vanessa may feel the need to buy something for the same amount or more so she