Coming up with the most suitable way to have classes is one thing that is blocked by many problems. As it has always been the case, many people prefer having their classes in the traditional way to taking online classes. However, online classes seem to overweigh traditional classes in many ways such as; time management, availability of resources and also the fact that one can take an online class easily while doing a job at the same time.
The option of taking on line classes has benefited many people since it has spared them the agony of working on tight schedules. In addition to this, people get more time to spend with their families and friends unlike in traditional classes where a student will stay in class all day long. This option also gives them an opportunity to look for money and hence improve their living standards while scaling the height of their academic status at the same time. This is because they can manage time on their own and decide which area to allocate more time depending on their current situation and activities.
At times, you will find students taking online classes very busy with their laptops or palmtops even when travelling. They have the freedom to fix their classes depending on the events of the day. Some may decide to take their classes during breaks such as lunch and the like. Others may decide to take their classes when the rest of the family is asleep or even during weekends and holidays.
On the other hand, once you register for a traditional class, you are denied the freedom to just do things the way you want. For instance, you don't just enter the class anytime you want. You must be in class at the right time. You also find that traditional classes usually take a longer time since all students must be catered for uniformly irrespective of their absorbing capacity. This is different from online classes where a student can overlook some areas where they feel they are comfortable