I believe that security issues are probably just as much a concern off line as they are on line, they just aren't as widespread when they occur and they aren't as publicized. When a security breach occurs on line, large amounts of people are affected whereas when a security breach occurs off line usually only one or a few people are affected therefore it is not always heard about.
You have to think about how often you give sensitive information about yourself to complete strangers. I give my social security number, credit card numbers and other personal information to total strangers constantly. Any of these people have the ability to steal my money and identity if they choose to. It is the same as on line hackers. On line hackers can do it from the comfort of their own homes and have the advantage of feeling protected because they can't be seen but the process is much more difficult than being off line. Stealing credit card and other personal information is much easier off line, no technical skill is involved.
I believe that no matter if you are on line or off line it is up to the consumer to be aware of the risks of theft and take the steps to protect themselves as consumers. Someone is always