Online Tutoring is a kind of distance education, which makes considerable use of information and communications technologies like e-mail, Internet conferencing and the World Wide Web. Using these Course materials can be mounted on to a web site. Speedy interactions take place between tutor and learner using e-mail, and, perhaps most significantly, collaboration between learners can easily take place, and allowing for the building of a learning community which allows learners to work and socialize in group, as they would in a face-to-face course.
How is it different from Conventional Tutoring?
Conventional tutoring is one of the most effective tutoring options. It involves a child meeting with a personal tutor who is more than well qualified in the subject area(s) that your child finds challenging. Sometimes, an experienced teacher can offer tutoring. However, tutors and students are not likely to be based very far apart geographically and regular timetabled meetings between tutor and student allow learners to access support as they need it. Using online tutoring Course materials can be mounted on to a web site. Speedy interactions take place between tutor and learner using e-mail, and, perhaps most significantly, collaboration between learners can easily take place, and allowing for the building of a learning community which allows learners to work and socialize in group, as they would in a face-to-face course. Having experienced and successful online tutors will help in improving the efficiency of learning as well as helping many more people acquire new skills. As a general rule as learners with mature, and as their study skills become more sophisticated, the independent ratio to classroom-based study increases.
Advantages of Online Tutoring
1. Development and maintenance of learning materials is easy
• Web-based materials are quick to produce and cheap need not require a high level of technical expertise.
• These materials