Student name: Date completed: 1/ 30 /2013
Instructions for APA Citation Worksheet
1. Above each original citation, define the type of citation, i.e., Book; Journal Article; Chapter in a Book; Entry in an Encyclopedia; Conference Proceeding; Interview; Electronic resource such as an online Journal article or article from a database, etc.
(1 point).
2. In one sentence, state the mistake(s) in the citation as it is presented. An example of the mistake(s) statement is: “The author’s name is not capitalized and all words in the title are capitalized.” (1 point)
3. Correct the following citations using the APA citation format guidelines found at the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) website: .
In a different color, place the corrected citation right beneath the original so that both the original and the corrected versions are visible at the same time. (3 points)
After completing the corrections, submit the completed worksheet (saved as an rtf and labeled as: APA Worksheet Your last name) to the APA Worksheet Assignment link below. This worksheet will be worth up to 25 points (each correct citation on the worksheet along with the type of citation and the description of the mistake is worth 5 points) and should be submitted by midnight, Sunday of this session. The points distribution is stated in the above instructions.
Electronic Resource/Section of a Web Document bakken, Bob and Bell, Calvin, Bergin, J., Bridges, Barbara., Dalpe, Susan, Day, K. and others. (2010, August). National Standards For Quality Online Courses Version 2. In B. Bakken & B. Bridges (Eds.), INACOL course standards (International Association for k-12 Online Learning No. 2, p. 46). iNACOL. Retrieved from
The authors’ first names should all be initials and there should be an ampersand between the last two authors, and the last “iNACOL” should have a capital “I”.