Shaela Mitchell
June 15, 2015
Debbie Humphrey
Critical Thinking Reflection
Step 1 of 2:
Write at least 350 words about how critical thinking can be used in everyday life. Include the following four (4) items in your response:
1. Identify three (3) lessons that you learned in this course.
2. Describe each of the 3 lessons.
3. Explain why they are meaningful to you.
4. Discuss how each of these lessons applies to your everyday life.
<I’ve learned so much during this course and have truly grown as a person. I have never really been too open minded. I kind of stick to what I believe and no one can tell me otherwise. My grandma is really the only other person I really believe could tell me something and I would consider what she was saying as being correct. She influenced so much in my life. A lot of my decisions and choices I thought of her first or I would call and ask for her input. Without any extra questions or searching for other possible answers I would believe her almost instantly and go with what she said. During these few weeks I have learned to investigate all possibilities before making a decision so I can make the best one. My pride and my stubbornness also kept me from using critical thinking. Instead of taking the time to really analyze a problem and pick the best way to fix it I just did what I felt was the thing to do. During my time in this course I was taught the necessary steps to take in order to properly solve issues. I plan on utilizing everything I have learned for not only the rest of my academic time with the university of Phoenix , but for the rest of my life in and out of school or work.
thinking. I’m not the type to ask for help I do it on my own. In school I was the kid that didn’t ask my teacher from help when I was stuck on things and didn’t understand. I figured I would eventually figure it out on my own. I’m always there when others are in a bind or in need of help,
References: If any external materials were used in completing your assignment, provide an APA-formatted reference to the source(s) here. Note: If you refer to terms or ideas presented in class materials, a reference and in-text citation must be provided for the source. You must have at least one in-text citation within the body of your assignment for each reference listed here. APA citation and reference examples are provided in the Center for Writing Excellence (see link below):