BUSI 894 Modern Organizational Theory and Design (first draft) Fall 2013 2 Units
Dr. Fernando A. Mora C. Caracas, Venezuela
fmora@sgu.edu, famorac@gmail.com
fmorac on Skype Cell: +58-412-3830110 (I am on Whatsup and Viber too)
Live Office Hours
by appointment (via Skype)
WIMBA Live Classroom
Thursdays, 7 to 9 pm EST
Work Completion:
All work must be completed by May 6th, 5 PM EST,
Administrative support: Nakazi Cornwall at ncornwall@sgu.edu; Instructional Design, Gwen Burbank at gburbank@sgu.edu; Faculty support: Rachel Ross at rross@sgu.edu August 19th, 2013 – October 13th, 2013
Course Overview This course examines the theory and effective design of an organization to achieve strategic objectives in today's complex environment. Emphasis is placed on creating alignment among people, culture, structure and systems of an organization to assure high performance. Images of organizations are introduced in order to analyze organizational structures and understand change. Networked, global, team based, organic or innovative organizations are covered. Linkages with participant’s national and regional cultural contexts will be made. A number of reflection questions will be proposed as the course advances, which will be always tied to topics discussed in class, but also related to the participant’s personal experience about organizations. We will try to observe, think, critically evaluate some organizations that are part of the participant's every day life, including workplace, university, church, political party or others. The idea is that the responses can help in improving organizational design according to the changes in the complex environment that surrounds contemporary organizations. Learning Objectives 1. Exposure to the history of