system involving complex problems rationalized by theoretical ideals.
In writing the Oration on the Dignity of Man, Giovanni Pico della
Mirandola approaches this study universally, wherein, humanism and the
worth and dignity of the populace is affirmed. Saint Augustine's
Confessions attempts to explain the truth and philosophies of man, but
does so with a different approach, referring to man as a product of
society self-consciously misdirected by his soul. These philosophies
share some similarities while also differing from one another; however,
both share a common purpose: to explain the philosophy of man. This
essay will proceed to juxtapose and integrate the works of Giovanni
Pico della Mirandola and St. Augustine taking into consideration the
time periods within which each lived and studied.
Saint Augustine defines the apparent imbalance between what or
who people are and what people truly desire. Desire, according to
Augustine, is accompanied by will, which can misdirect and lead to a dualism of internal and external conflict. This dualism describes the separation that occurs when one is persuaded by social structures to act in a manner that is different from his or her authentic being. His philosophy is greatly reliant upon religion and is derived from the experience of his sinful youth and conversion to Christianity. Conducting his knowledge through an understanding of original sin - Christians usually refer to this as mankind's first offense, where evil's effects are felt by the entirety of the human race (Christian Classics). Augustine's interpretation, while also incorporating will, corresponds with the predestined nature to succeed through hardships, therein, founding man's virtue.
On the other hand, while Pico identifies the importance of a
Christian back round, he approaches this philosophy holistically,
combining natural philosophy and science. In his