M1- when the patient arrived at the operating room
M2- immediately before induction of anesthesia
M3- before the start of the infusion of the solution X (magnesium sulphate or saline) and Y solution (saline or lidocaine).
M4- five minutes after M3 (end of the infusion of the initial dose - loading dose - the X and Y solutions)
M5- immediately before …show more content…
The induction was done without the use of benzodiazepines, propofol target dose of 4 mg / ml and remifentanil infusion of 0.5 mg / kg / min, both in 3 minutes. After induction, the propofol infusion target was decreased to 2.5 g / ml and the infusion of remifentanil was adjusted to be between 0.1 and 0.3 g / kg / min as needed. In all patients, neuromuscular function was assessed using the TOF Watch SX monitor (Organon Ltd) by the method of accelerometry. Was installed the heating element and the skin and central temperatures maintained above 32 ° C and 36 ℃ respectively. After induction of anesthesia acceleromyography calibration was performed and the ulnar nerve stimulated with four pulses of 0.2 ms duration at a frequency of 2 Hz every 15 seconds. After completion of the infusion solutions X and Y, cisatracurium injection was administered at 5 seconds. After administration of relaxing, waited to measure the TOF reaches zero to proceed to tracheal intubation of the patient. The monitoring was performed until spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular blockade. The timing of administration of the muscle relaxant was considered the zero time to the time count for the assessment of pharmacodynamic variables (VIBY MOGENSEN, et al., 1996). The values of T1, T2, T3, T4 and TOF, plus the value of