On June 6, 1944, the Allied forces began Operation Overlord. This day became known as D-day. Operation Overlord was the allied code name for the battle of Normandy, which was the Allied Invasion of France against Germany. The operation required 5 beach landings along 50 miles of coastal waters along the heavily fortified and defended coast of France. This battle lasted until August 1944 and would turn out to be the most important day of WWII for the Allies. The success of the D-day invasion and the subsequent drive across France, Belgium, and into the Netherlands assured that all of Germany and the rest of Europe would not fall into the hands of the soviets. (Lyons, pp.257)
Possibility of invasion before 1944
This cross-channel invasion …show more content…
First, Normandy had two important ports which could prove to be very useful to supply their troops while invading France. Another reason the Allied forces chose to invade here was because ULTRA intelligence had informed the leaders that the Germans expected the invasion to actually come 200 miles to the northeast, which meant the Germans put up stronger fortifications there. The last reason was that the established British ports across the channel from Normandy were larger and could handle more ship and troop capacity through them. These reasons made Normandy the optimal landing site at the time. (Lyons p 247)
Execution of the invasion
The allies executed their attack in three stages. The first stage was the break-in stage where they made the first landings and consolidated the beachhead. The rangers disabled the 155mm guns protecting further troops from bombardment. The second stage was the buildup of the allied forces on the beaches. The last stage was the break-out stage where Allied forces fought their way through German defenses around the beachhead and breaking out in the direction of the German border. (Lyons p.250)