Factors that i believe are important to take in consideration when deciding: probability of the recurrence of the disease . At this point in the text is mentioned that all are having similar changes to survive ( 80 to 85%). choosing the sickest person from the list ( at this point also in text is mentioned that they all have the same chances to survive without a transplant ( three to six months) the initial moment when they were first placed on the list. This is a common selecting method worldwide for establish whom is going to receive an organ. Still the text don’t provide us any data in this direction the number of people whose well being depend on the person in line the age of the people whom depend on that person and their chances in being self-sustained. the probability that the person will continue to have bad habits after the surgery , habits that will jeopardize the transplant success rate in some countries ( Australia for instance ) it is taken in consideration the ability of the patient to pay for the procedure. I don’t agree with this approach mainly because in this scenario for al patients the procedure is supported by the National Insurance House.
Taking this facts in consideration, my ranking will be :
1 ) Sara Y – even if she states that 7
Bibliography: Council, N. h. (n.d.). Ethical issues raised by allocation of transplant resources. Retrieved from http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/e31.pdf Queerty. (n.d.). STUDY: Gay Men Are 15 Times More Likely To Develop HPV-Related Cancers Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/study-gay-men-are-15-times-more-likely-to-develop-hpv-related-cancers-20130716/#ixzz2qQXOvrbA. Retrieved from http://www.queerty.com/study-gay-men-are-15-times-more-likely-to-develop-hpv-related-cancers-20130716/