Group assignment
1. Students are allowed to do the coursework in groups of up to five elements;
2. Students must use the Microsoft Excel Solver and not any other software;
3. Each group should hand up to its teacher a preliminary report till October, 24th.
This preliminary report should contain the answer for questions Q1a) and Q2a) and it will be marked;
4. The answers for questions Q1 b), Q1c), Q2b), and Q2c) must be based on the problem formulations provided by the team of teachers on October, 25th;
5. Each group should turn in a single final report till November, 17th;
6. The reports should contain:
a. a cover sheet with the names of all contributing members listed;
b. a main body, divided into sections (one section for each question);
c. The final report should also contain an appendix with both inputs to the
Solver and outputs from Solver:
7. On each question, give your comments and, if applied, write down the formulation of the problem and give a brief explanation about the meaning of each constraint and of the objective function;
8. The final grade will be determined by weighting question 1 at 10%, question 2 at
5% and Q3 at 10%;
9. This coursework will comprise 25% of the final grade;
10. IMPORTANT: In spite of having to hand up printed copies of their reports, students also have to send their reports (preliminary and final) via E-Learning.
A company develops the production of a product in one of its factories. This output is sent to two warehouses (W1 and W2) from which four customer zones (C1, C2, C3, and
C4) are supplied. If it is necessary or advantageous to the company, the demand can be met with production acquired from other companies. However, this acquisition may not exceed 10% of the amount produced in the company.
The monthly production capacity of the factory is 220 tons, while the warehouses W1 and W2 have monthly capacities of 180 and 100 tons,