The initial response from the Chinese towards western penetration was the practice of isolationism. The country resisted the West and it’s modern concepts and cut off contact with them completely. This hurt the economy nations that conducted trade with them such as Britain. After the British could no longer afford to lose revenue through the Chinese’s isolation, they snuck opium into the nation. The Chinese responded by burning it and sparked the Opium War. The defeat…
European powers, such as Britain and Russia, moved in to divide up China in 1895. These countries gained control of certain parts of China's economy. These were called spheres of influence. The U.S. feared that these European powers would divide up China so they proposed the Open Door policy. The Chinese did not like the idea of unwelcome foreigners trading freely within their country, so they started the Boxer Rebellion.…
This saw much easier and cheaper access to Chinese goods and it saw the Chinese markets flooded with illegal opium and cheap manufactured goods from the industrialized west. This is an example of how the Europeans in the years to come would reshape the global economic system to one that was almost entirely dictated on their terms, terms that were enforced through coercion and superior…
(Huang, Week 2 lecture, p.1). This dynasty would last until 1911. Europe had started importing Opium into China and by 1840 Europe was making a huge profit. This ruined the economy of China because of the amount of silver exported from China. Another concern was that opium was highly addictive "and turned thousands of previously productive civil servants and healthy soldiers into useless addicts" (Huand, Week 2…
The Opium War did affect China’s economy. From Source B, I can infer that the Opium Wars made China richer. The source mentioned that the export of tea from China increased 42,000,000kg in 1855 from only 7,500,000kg in 1843, an increase of more than 500%. This showed that the trade increased. With more trade, there would be more money which were gained from the trades. Furthermore, more trade also means more jobs for the Chinese. Therefore, the Chinese will be able to earn more money and they can afford more items to live a better life. So, the Opium wars did affect the China’s economy. From what I have learnt, the treaty which China signed from the Opium Wars forced China to open up five ports to foreign trade (canton, shanghai, Foochow, Ningpo and Amoy). With more ports opened up,…
Up until the 1840’s China was completely self-reliant relying solely on the countries natural resources and self made goods. During 1840 Great Britain found a product which China was unable to resist, opium. Opium is a plant that when mixed with tobacco can be made in to many forms of drugs but is mostly used to make heroin. China’s government soon began to recognize how addictive the drug could become, China then…
The British used the profits from the sale of opium to purchase such Chinese luxury goods as porcelain, silk, and tea, which were in great demand in the West.…
How and to what extent did Confucian values make it difficult for China to adapt to the challenge of the west leading up to and after the Opium War (1839-1842)?…
As you look through modern political history we see the government try, and fail to contain alcohol, and drugs. Prohibition in the 1920s only made alcohol more dangerous, and gave the market to the mafia who gladly took it over. It’s now 2017, and we are 46 years into Nixon’s failing “War on Drugs”. The only thing that has happened is increased drug use, the drugs have gotten more dangerous to use, and the drug cartels have taken over the market, and that’s not even mentioning the fact that our “limited government” in the “land of the free and the home of the brave” are putting people in cages for 20+ years for injecting a substance into their own bodies, on their own accord, on their own personal time, it is one of the most contradictory statements…
The war started in 1898 and ended 1945, Japan watched the Europeans take land and did the same by taking land and trying to make colonies. They decided to take land from Asia and the Chinese didn’t like that decision and then the war started. Outcome of the war was that the Japanese surrendered. China did lose money and parts of China was poor and had to…
The audience I aim to appeal and to inform would be college aged students (male and female alike) of the United States, namely in the age range of 18 to 25. This demographic of people are generally located anywhere in the United States. Many of these people are mostly working part time retail/food industry jobs or internships for many of the people do not have time to balance school and an actual full time job. College is often pricey, so this essay would be targeting namely those in the lower-middle to higher class. Because this demographic is attending school, all of these people have at least some college education. As for religious and sexual preferences, any and every type is present within this demographic.…
Diana Ahmad in The Opium Debate and Chinese Exclusion Laws in the Nineteenth-Century American West (University of Nevada Press, 2007) argues that in addition to the traditional explanations for the Chinese Exclusion Act, (economic, political and more recently, prostitution) smoking opium was part of the reason many Anglo-Americans pushed for Chinese exclusion. Ahmad also distinguishes smoking-opium and medicinal-opium as two separate entities, claiming that it was the smoking variety that offended the moral character of Anglo-Americans.…
Throughout the book “Breaking Through,” Francisco Jinemez discusses many themes. This book is an interesting and a must read book for people who moving to another country and trying to get a better life.There are three themes in the novel that one must follow in order to understand and earn a meaningful life: family, work, and education.…
The most effective way to treat the drug war is through therapy education (Hornberger 1)…
Civil disobedience is a form of a peaceful protest and in terms of a free society, it is positively impactful. Within a free society, there is free speech, religion, press, assembly, etc. It is a way to protest and express your viewpoints without violence. It is not meant to harm others, but to bring people together in solidarity to fight for what's important to them. There must be action to bring about change and the only way is through civil disobedience.…