OPSM 305 Supply Chain Management
Class 10:
Incentive issues
Zeynep Aksin zaksin@ku.edu.tr 1
Hamptonshire Express
§ Anna has a degree from journalism & operations research § She has started a daily newspaper in her hometown
§ She used a leased PC: lease cost $10 per day
§ A local printer prints newspapers at 0.20 per copy
§ Sales the next day between 6 am and 10 am
§ Newsstand rental $30 per day
§ Express sold to customers at $1 per copy
§ Copies not sold by 10 am are discarded
§ Anna estimates daily demand to be distributed
Question 1
§ Optimal stocking quantity?
§ Profit at this stocking quantity?
Ordering Level and Profits in Vertically
Integrated …show more content…
Assume the opportunity cost of her time is $10 per hour. § Compare optimal profits to previous scenario 6
Optimal Level of Effort in Vertically
Integrated Channel
§ Demand potential increases by 50 h
§ Expected profit increases by 0.8*50 h h à h+1
0.8 * 50 * ( h + 1 − h )
0 à 1
1 à 2
2 à 3
3 à 4
4 à 5
i* = 684
E[Profit] …show more content…
Inefficiencies in a Differentiated Channel
§ Supplier chooses w, retailer chooses i*
§ Retail ignores +ve effect of stocking one more unit on supplier
§ Supplier ignores +ve effect of cutting wholesale price/increasing effort on retailer
§ Supplier prices above marginal cost/exerts low effort
§ Retailer stocks less
§ Supply chain profits shrink
§ Specifies the parameters within which a buyer places orders and a supplier fulfills them
§ Example parameters: quantity, price, time, quality
§ Double marginalization: buyer and seller make decisions acting independently instead of acting together; both of them make a margin on the same sale – gap between potential total supply chain profits and actual supply chain profits results § Buyback contracts can be offered that will increase total supply chain profit
Returns policies
§ Rationale: set buyback price b so that
(retailer cost structure w−b c − s
= supply cost structure) r −b r − s
§ Supplier can use both w and b
§ Supplier is bundling insurance with the good 15
Breakdown of profits under a buyback scheme