First, what is opportunity cost? To me it is merely a decision amongst two likely possibilities where you judge the benefits of one choice over the other. You can simply choose to do this or you can simply choose to do that. If someone goes to work straight out of high school it may be financially better for them short term, however, they may not receive the same amount of income had they went to college. Undeniably, a college degree will cost a small fortune up front nonetheless if it leads to a better paying job, then the cost would have been worth it. You also have to ponder and consider the time and energy spent at their job. Obviously, a well-paying job might hamper the quality
or quantity of time spent with their family if so they elect to have one. Therefore, if someone places a value on time with family as more important than money, then that person may have to take a job with a smaller income in order to devote more quality time with the family. to figure out whether the cost of going to college is worth it, you would have to decide not only what you want to do for a living, but also the life style you want to live. So the opportunity cost for me in taking this class is to earn my college degree and have that well-paying job at the cost of hampering the quality of time spent with my family.