Developments typically include: new build such as housing estates; wind farms; power stations; by-passes; factories; open cast mining etc. OR changes of use such as the redevelopment of existing buildings;
How land is used is usually determined by Market processes and the Planning process – usually a mixture of the two.
The market process is where the developer makes a proposal to develop land based on whether or not they can make a profit. This is known as the “ability to pay”.
A large company can often achieve their objectives because they have the financial muscle to out bid objectors and easily counter arguments.
In the UK (unlike some countries) there is a well developed planning process which makes conflict resolution more democratic;
Planners write structure plans to anticipate the needs of the local community over a future period of time;
This can include how population will change; education, health care, recreation, transport and housing needs;
Also they must consider government policy at both local and national level;
Proposals are considered in the light of existing policy;
If proposals match what is already policy it is more likely to be passed;
However, planners must also consider the views of people, groups and organisations towards a developmentHaving studied the proposal, which will contain statements about impact including employment and the environment, and listened to views for and against, local government will EITHER accept the plan as it is; refuse it outright OR request it is modified in some way OR insist on the additional provision of facilities that are needed in the local area – such as recreational or transport facilities.
Large scale proposals may go to a Public Enquiry where views are heard over a longer period by an independent government appointed person who will report back to the Secretary of State, who will then make a