Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated nonviolence to suppress oppression in his essay, "The Power of Nonviolent Action." King's factual and reasoned approach is intended to win his adversaries over by appealing to their consciences. King realized that the best strategy to liberate African-Americans and gain them justice was to use nonviolent forms of resistance. He wanted to eliminate the use of violence as a means to manage and establish cooperative ways of interacting. Moreover, King states that the "oppressed people must organize themselves into a militant and nonviolent mass movement" in order to achieve the goal of integration. The oppressed must "convince the oppressors that all he seeks is justice, for both himself and the white man" (King, 345). Furthermore, King agreed with Gandhi that if a law is unjust, it is the duty of the oppressed to break the law, and do what they believe to be right. Once a law is broken, the person must be willing to accept the consequences, which may be the penalty of imprisonment. The way of nonviolence means a willingness to suffer and sacrifice. It's the ultimate form of persuasion through words or acts, even if death is the only solution to be free from injustice.
Furthermore, Franz Fanon in his novel "Decolonizing, National Culture, and the Negro Intellectual" questions the basic assumptions of colonialism. He questions whether violence is a tactical assumption of colonialism. Fanon questions whether native