The fourth principle spoke about those who committed non violence, stating that they must be willing to suffer without retaliation as suffering itself can be redemptive. Nonviolence required the willingness to suffer. According to King, the end was the most important. Therefore if suffering was accepted, it lead to “tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.” Also, non violence is a powerful tool in changing the minds of opponents. In the fifth principle, he discusses on how his plan avoids “external physical violence” and “internal violence of spirit.” He stated that a “nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him.” Instead, the resistor should be motivated by love in the sense of the Greek word ‘agape’. Agape means understand or “redeeming good will for all men.” Nonviolent resistance was that the “universe was on the side of justice” and resistors, doing justice, have a “cosmic companionship” with God who is on the side of trust. God played a significant role in King’s life as he was raised by a Baptist father, and he wanted the same for his supporters. The final principle adds on to the fifth point stating that a nonviolent resister must have a “deep faith in the future.” This principle stems from the conviction that “the universe is on the side of
The fourth principle spoke about those who committed non violence, stating that they must be willing to suffer without retaliation as suffering itself can be redemptive. Nonviolence required the willingness to suffer. According to King, the end was the most important. Therefore if suffering was accepted, it lead to “tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.” Also, non violence is a powerful tool in changing the minds of opponents. In the fifth principle, he discusses on how his plan avoids “external physical violence” and “internal violence of spirit.” He stated that a “nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him.” Instead, the resistor should be motivated by love in the sense of the Greek word ‘agape’. Agape means understand or “redeeming good will for all men.” Nonviolent resistance was that the “universe was on the side of justice” and resistors, doing justice, have a “cosmic companionship” with God who is on the side of trust. God played a significant role in King’s life as he was raised by a Baptist father, and he wanted the same for his supporters. The final principle adds on to the fifth point stating that a nonviolent resister must have a “deep faith in the future.” This principle stems from the conviction that “the universe is on the side of