"Organized crime," as commonly understood today, is identical with economic enterprise organized for the purpose of conducting illegal activities and which, when in pursuit of legitimate ventures, uses illegal methods. These illegal business enterprises exist to cater to human sins- gambling, drinking, sex, narcotics-proscribed by law (Stellin 2009). Individuals usually have one goal which is financial profit. They form together just like any other legitimate enterprise, they have a capital, physical plant, management personnel, and employees of various kinds. They typically engage in activities that falls under the category of what is considered enterprise crime. This would include the provision of unlawful goods and services or goods that have been developed through illicit means, such as fraud or theft. With this process of criminal engagement comes with violence and corruption. This paper is, therefore, designed to analyze the nature in which organize crime relate to business enterprise. The activities of criminal organizations are thus equivalent to many of the efforts of legitimate businesses such as export-import, trade in various articles, wholesale and retail sales, and services. However, the members of criminal organizations seek to operate in areas outside legal guidelines and will generally trade in items also defined as illegal materials (i.e. drugs and weapons). This method of distribution was done in order to generate profit. However, with the profit came along with violence. Each business enterprise use some sort of weapon as a
"Organized crime," as commonly understood today, is identical with economic enterprise organized for the purpose of conducting illegal activities and which, when in pursuit of legitimate ventures, uses illegal methods. These illegal business enterprises exist to cater to human sins- gambling, drinking, sex, narcotics-proscribed by law (Stellin 2009). Individuals usually have one goal which is financial profit. They form together just like any other legitimate enterprise, they have a capital, physical plant, management personnel, and employees of various kinds. They typically engage in activities that falls under the category of what is considered enterprise crime. This would include the provision of unlawful goods and services or goods that have been developed through illicit means, such as fraud or theft. With this process of criminal engagement comes with violence and corruption. This paper is, therefore, designed to analyze the nature in which organize crime relate to business enterprise. The activities of criminal organizations are thus equivalent to many of the efforts of legitimate businesses such as export-import, trade in various articles, wholesale and retail sales, and services. However, the members of criminal organizations seek to operate in areas outside legal guidelines and will generally trade in items also defined as illegal materials (i.e. drugs and weapons). This method of distribution was done in order to generate profit. However, with the profit came along with violence. Each business enterprise use some sort of weapon as a