A lean perspective on servitization of manufacturing
Mats Winroth
Dept of Industrial Management and
Economics, Division of Operations
Management, Chalmers University of
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: +46 31 772 12 17
E-mail: mats.winroth@chalmers.se
Glenn Johansson
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and
Management, School of Engineering
Jönköping University
P.O. Box 1026
SE-551 11 Jönköping, Sweden
Phone: +46 36 10 16 34
E-mail: glenn.johansson@jth.hj.se
POMS 22nd Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, Apr 29 to May 2, 2011
Track title: Quality, Processes and JIT
Servitization of manufacturing is a fairly recent approach addressed in literature. The term is recognized as the process of creating value by integrating products with services.
Servitization is supposed to contribute to a sustainable society through its potential to support dematerialization, i.e. reduction of materials used in production and consumption.
Key aspects of lean are resource efficiency and customer-orientation. Though lean production has gained a high degree of attention, few studies have addressed the potential relationships between lean and servitization. Servitization is however not only relevant from a sustainability perspective, but can be regarded as “the next step” to create user value. This paper aims at providing a better understanding of the relationships between lean and servitization through an analysis of literature where the lean and servitization approaches are compared and contrasted. The underlying assumption is that a lean approach might support a manufacturing organization’s transition towards a servitization organization. Keywords: Servitization, Product-service systems, Lean, Sustainability
Servitization has been around for many years, trying to combine products and service into attractive packages (Tukker and Tischner, 2006). Though different definitions appear in
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