
Orelus Critical Race Theory Summary

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Orelus Critical Race Theory Summary
Within the last 30 years there have been multiple racially-based conflicts that have led to conversations about race relations, however they have been short-lived, and have not led to a greater degree of progress towards racial equality. Orelus’ article speaks the dire need for open and honest conversations about race in order for the United States to move past its structure of institutional racism. Using critical race theory, he attempts to explain the lack of engagement when it comes to discussions of race, especially from those who are privileged. He states that the silence on racism and race in general has led to a wide array of issues for People of Color within all aspects of life. He also states that the use of racial stereotypes has been used to justify the oppression and poor socioeconomic conditions that People of Color may face.
Orelus states that conversations about race do occur, however, they are usually kept within areas where one feels secure to speak without confrontation on their beliefs, such as one's home. For many, talks about race are restricted to only those within one's in-group; they are never engaged within the public sphere. Public conversations about race may lead to discomfort, especially for those who are privileged, because they
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Race has been used to mark groups as the "other" and inferior in a multitude of ways. Stereotypes such as blacks being lazy, dangerous, or unintelligent have tainted the views of blacks in America. It is important remember that racism is not limited to the most heinous and intense forms, such as eugenics or slavery. Religion, philosophy, and media (especially modern media) were also used as a tool to enforce white supremacy within society, and reinforce the idea of inferiority of non-whites by spreading degrading stereotypes and misinformation about

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