If a person came up to another person in need of an organ transplant, most people would be against the case and vanish. As of December 2015, there are 121,671 people on the waitlist for a lifesaving organ transplant (UNOS, 2015). A person can expect to wait 3.6 years to receive a transplant and people may not even get to know the true blessing of receiving a transplant. People often become desperate and turn to organ traffickers or brokers to eliminate the wait time. Organ brokers can be defined as criminals who perform illegal organ harvesting acts for money. A criminal is a person who committed a crime and must face consequences. Organ brokers commit suspicious acts behind closed doors due to the fact that selling and buying organs in the United States is illegal. Organ trafficking is affecting countries such as the United States, Mexico, China, South Africa, Kosovo, India, Mozambique, and Israel. These countries serve as …show more content…
The dark side of organ trafficking is absolutely frightening and reveals a cloudy work of traffickers, cheated donors, wily "body-parts brokers," untrustworthy politicians, police and lawyers along with complicit surgeons and hospitals and ill but nearly wealthy organ recipients, so desperate to reestablish their life, that they look past the suffering caused to others (Panjabi, 2010). Patients become in desperate need of a transplant and resort to illegal transplant tourisms in hopes to have another chance at life. Many organ donors are poor and living under the poverty line and agree to organ selling since it is their last option. Around 1.2 billion people live on or below $1.25. Poverty is now a lot more concentrated: 80 percent which is 399 million of the severely poor live in South Asia and 415 million live in sub-Saharan, while 161 million live in East Asia and the Pacific (Rowe,