August 2013
Organ Transplantation
The transplants of organs and fabrics are a reality generated by the scientific advances of the 20th century; due to the fact that they are procedures in those who control different factors (scientific, social, moral, philosophical, etc.) they need a process that answers to the constant change and evolution that this one presents interesting procedure. In Panama the transplants are a reality that allows to increase the life expectancies of many persons who are today in wait of an organ.
According to the Universidad Azteca, organ transplantation is a medical complex treatment that consists of moving organs, fabrics or cells of a person to other one. The transplanted organ replaces and assumes the function of the damaged organ of the recipient, saving the life or improving the quality of life. A variety of organs massive and fabrics they can be transplanted, including kidneys, lungs, hearts, and predecessors hematopoietic. There are some risks associated with this procedure that depend on the type of the transplant, which frequently infection and rejection of the graft include.
*interesting facts: (The first transplant successfully of our epoch registered was of cornea in 1905 carried out by Eduard Zirm. The first one of kidney was in the Peter Buke Brigham Hospital in 1951 and the first one of heart carried out on December 3, 1967).
The Transplants qualify in:
a) In function to the existing relation between donor and recipient, the following types of transplants are distinguished:
Auto transplant: It consists of that transplant in that the donor and recipient are the same individual, since it happens in the leather transplant.
Syngeneic: Transplant realized between genetically identical individuals. Allotransplant: When donor and recipient are not genetically identical individuals of the same species. Xenotransplantation: when donor and recipient are of different species.
b) Depending on how the