Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)- C6H8O6 Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)- C9H8O4 Common Name | Chemical Name | acetone | dimethyl ketone; 2-propanone (usually known as acetone) | acid potassium sulfate | potassium bisulfate - used in the conversion of tartrates to bitartrates in wine. | acid of sugar | oxalic acid – used in cleaning or bleaching, especially for the removal of rust (iron complexing agent) | ackey | nitric acid | alcali volatil | ammonium hydroxide - ingredient in cleaning agents | alcohol, grain | ethyl alcohol | alcohol sulfuris | carbon disulfide – used in fumigation,manufacturing,insecticide and solvent | alcohol, wood | methyl alcohol - used as an antifreeze, solvent, fuel, and as adenaturant for ethanol | alum | aluminum potassium sulfate | alumina | aluminum oxide - As a filler, abrasive, effect pigment | antichlor | sodium thiosulfate - used for the neutralization of chlorine and/or Iodine solutions at your hatchery or aquaculture facility | antifreeze | ethylene glycol - used in applications ranging from consumer packaging, beverage containers, aircraft deicing fluids to adhesives. | antimony black | antimony trisulfide - used as a pigment, in pyrotechnics and in vulcanizing rubber. | antimony bloom | antimony trioxide - used as a flame retardant in combination with halogenated materials. | antimony red (vermillion) | antimony oxysulfide - used extensively in the medical field | aqua ammonia | aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide - an excellent acid neutralizer | aqua fortis | nitric acid - As an integral part of explosives manufacture- As an agricultural fertilizer- A component of solid rocket fuels, acting as an oxidizer- As a chemical reagent to identify various other metals- In woodworking to ‘age’ wood.- In the jewelry trade nitric acid can be used as an inexpensive process to identify and assess purity of gold, particularly when in low-grade alloys.-
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)- C6H8O6 Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)- C9H8O4 Common Name | Chemical Name | acetone | dimethyl ketone; 2-propanone (usually known as acetone) | acid potassium sulfate | potassium bisulfate - used in the conversion of tartrates to bitartrates in wine. | acid of sugar | oxalic acid – used in cleaning or bleaching, especially for the removal of rust (iron complexing agent) | ackey | nitric acid | alcali volatil | ammonium hydroxide - ingredient in cleaning agents | alcohol, grain | ethyl alcohol | alcohol sulfuris | carbon disulfide – used in fumigation,manufacturing,insecticide and solvent | alcohol, wood | methyl alcohol - used as an antifreeze, solvent, fuel, and as adenaturant for ethanol | alum | aluminum potassium sulfate | alumina | aluminum oxide - As a filler, abrasive, effect pigment | antichlor | sodium thiosulfate - used for the neutralization of chlorine and/or Iodine solutions at your hatchery or aquaculture facility | antifreeze | ethylene glycol - used in applications ranging from consumer packaging, beverage containers, aircraft deicing fluids to adhesives. | antimony black | antimony trisulfide - used as a pigment, in pyrotechnics and in vulcanizing rubber. | antimony bloom | antimony trioxide - used as a flame retardant in combination with halogenated materials. | antimony red (vermillion) | antimony oxysulfide - used extensively in the medical field | aqua ammonia | aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide - an excellent acid neutralizer | aqua fortis | nitric acid - As an integral part of explosives manufacture- As an agricultural fertilizer- A component of solid rocket fuels, acting as an oxidizer- As a chemical reagent to identify various other metals- In woodworking to ‘age’ wood.- In the jewelry trade nitric acid can be used as an inexpensive process to identify and assess purity of gold, particularly when in low-grade alloys.-