Indonesia had then been heavily influenced by the infiltration of the Islamic culture and practices. Indonesia became one of the richest colonies in the early 17th century after being colonized by the Dutch. The Dutch colonization ended in the early 20th century during World War II whereby the Japanese occupied Indonesia. However,
Indonesia was proclaimed independent on 17th August 1945 after the departure of the
Japanese and forcing the Dutch to finally recognize the independence in 1949.
After the independence, Sukarno was elected as the first president of Indonesia.
Subsequently, Indonesia had several Presidents that had failed to improve the country’s economic situation. Currently, the President of Indonesia is a Retired Army
General Susilo Bambang Yudoyono who was elected since 2004.
Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world. The official language is
Bahasa Indonesia. About 90.4% of the population is literate, and most Indonesian understands English but is not proficient. There are 2 main education system, normal school system and out of school education system. Both systems are aiming to ensure grooming students to ethnic individuals and members of the society.
Indonesian has a unique way in communicating with people. Indonesian have high ego and do not like to clarify even when in doubts. In order to do business in
Indonesia, global managers are recommended to learn Bahasa Indonesia so that they can communicate effectively, reduces workplace conflicts and misunderstanding, and increase productivity in company.
Despite being the world’s largest Muslim population, there are in fact 4 other main religions under the legal systems, mainly Hinduism, Buddhism, Protestantism and
Roman Catholicism respectively. Nevertheless,
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