Module: BH 1107
Course: Business and Management
Candidate Number: 515663
Word Count: 2390 (with Bibliography)
At present, Multinational corporations (MNC) commonly referred as ‘big business’ are a powerful economic force (Chandler and Mazlish 2005,2, Penrose 1995). A multinational company usually has its head quarters in one country, but its operations extend beyond boundaries. They have been known to enhance rapid economic liberalization in developing countries like India, Sri-Lanka etc. Generally outsourcing from developed countries like U.S.A and Japan these multinational companies look for cheap labour in the developing countries. Outsourcing shifts core activities that used to be within MNC’s to arms-length transactions (Castells 2000, Porter 1990). The detailed study of these multinational companies would provide key information about their working and management.
For example, ‘The BG Group’ a British multinational oil and gas company has its operations in 25 other countries. The Head quarters being in Reading, United Kingdom, The BG group is the biggest supplier of (LNG) to the United States. With a market capitalization of £44.9 billion it is also listed in the London Stock Exchange.
The BG group has a thin layer of management between shop floor and the board, starting with the Chairman, the Chief executive followed by the executive officers and the non-executive officers. This thin layer plays a key role in shortening the time taken in decision making, which in turn results in more production. The success of the BG group could also be claimed to be substantial because of its Board of Directors and their execution.
BricotexLtd founded by JL Gradworthy can be claimed to be a much smaller version of the BG group. Although the company seems to be doing pretty good in the raincoat market purely due to its quality, there is still a wide scope for improvement in the management sector. Taking
Bibliography: * Chandler and Mazlish 2005,2, Penrose 1995 * Castells 2000, Porter 1990 * Issues in Team Working- Mueller, Frank Proctor, Stephen * Organizations and people [Vol.1, No.1, (1993) Pages 13-15]