Part 1A :Fundamental of basic electrical instrument.
Theory :The oscilloscope, often just called the scope, displays the signals as a plot of magnitude versus time. It is an electronic test instrument that displays electrical signals graphically, usually as a voltage (vertical or Y axis) versus time (horizontal or X axis) as shown in figure 1. The intensity or brightness of a waveform is sometimes considered the Z axis. There are some applications where other vertical axes such as current may be used, and other horizontal axes such as frequency or another voltage may be used.. A signal or function generator is used to produce periodic signals of the frequency, amplitude, and waveform needed for input to the device under test. The counter/timer can measure time intervals and frequencies very accurately, and the digital multimeter measure voltages, currents, resistance, and it can test silicon diodes and transistors. Everything you do in an electronics laboratory depends upon your familiarity with these instruments.
Equipments :1-oscilloscop.
2-function generator.
Procedures: First of all, all the switches
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