Module 2
1. Which of Schwartz’s 10 values are driving the behavior of managers at Bain & Company, Home Depot, and Best Buy? Provide examples to support your conclusions.
Bain’s management is driven by he Schwartz’s values of power and self- direction. In a downturn, he chose to go against the grain and take advantage of the situation, hiring people instead of laying off which allows him to snatch up recently unemployed or underemployed quality candidates. His approach is clever and keeps him ahead of the competition. He also spreads out from the market in recession and looks for opportunities in emerging ones.
In the case of Home Depot, the management is driven by universalism, lowering the target goals for the employees so they can more easily achieve bonuses when business isn’t booming. This also touches on security, in that they are building loyalty and dedication within their workers.
Best Buy chose to bring their employees into being part of the solution. The value of universalism is seen here as they encourage their workers to think globally to solve a problem. While I understand that this approach has value, making employees part of the solution fosters a feeling of team spirit and working together, I believe it could also backfire, leaving employees feeling they must help solve company financial issues or they could be left without a job. I am not sure Best Buy’s approach is enough.
1. How would you describe Steve Ellis’s affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of his attitude toward managing in a recession? Be specific.
Steve Ellis’s attitude toward managing in a recessions contains an affective component, reflecting emotions and feelings towards his ideas. His affective component is positive, optimistic and enthusiastic. His cognitive component, which reflects his beliefs about this situation, is shown as his belief that doing the counter intuitive thing by hiring and