One theory that is present with my personal case is Lewin’s three steps. He claimed that in order to be successful, the change process needed to follow this three-step procedure: (1) unfreezing, (2) moving and (3) freezing at a new level (or refreezing). Step (1) Unfreezing occurred when I presented data to the operations group which highlighted the substandard fill rate for the exported windshield commodity. Demonstrating a need for the change and sharing details about the external environment which jeopardized the organizations success. Step (2) Moving is to move toward the new, or desired behavior. The associates must see the leader’s point of view. This is typically what I refer to as gaining buy-in from the associates to support the change. Leaders that maintain two way communication with the followers are more likely to gain support for the change. Addressing the anxieties of how the change may or may not impact them personally is always a great concern. Therefore prompt and thorough explanations are key to the potential success of the change. One method for determining the associates’ perception of management as well as other attributes within the organization is the use of survey feedback. Survey feedback, a systematic way of understanding an organization from the standpoint of employee perceptions and processing this understanding back into
References: Burke W. W. (2013) Organization Change: Theory and Practice (4th ed). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Project Management. Kotter’s 8 Step Change. Retrieved November 18th, 2014, from