The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is a unique organization and its culture can be somewhat divided as it is made up of military and civilian personnel. So the culture of this organization it is a melding of two very different ideas. We’ll explore how this works through the seven dimensions of organizational culture and what barriers that cause some conflicts between the two. Though there are two types of organizational …show more content…
(USACE, US Army Corps of Engineers Divisions and Districts, n.d.) Each of these divisions have multiple districts and inside those are project offices. All of these follow the same principles or mission which is “Deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our Nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.” (USACE2, n.d.) Working in a team dynamic is just one dimension of the organizational culture though there are some areas such as contracting the team can be an on and off type of system. Such as they meet at the beginning yet in the middle phase the contracting specialists are on their own researching and pricing products or companies who bid on a job and then back to the team in the final …show more content…
Maintaining the status quo is not something the USACE follows strictly. When it comes to a projects completion sticking with the status quo is not realistic as methods and technology is ever changing. Though when it comes to its own people there is a status quo followed. When a person comes to work for the Corps in a job that they applied for they are expected to remain in that position until they retire. This is one of the barriers of working for the Corps. Once in their CP (or career path) they are stuck there unless the person has more to their background in skills that would allow them to move to a different CP. So some parts are open to thinking out of the box whereas others are closed to maintain the status quo.
Innovation and risk taking is something the Corps is all about. Keeping up with technology and risk taking is all done with in the USACE’s R&D department to keep ever evolving especially when it comes to supporting the military. In this area employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks that are not normally taken. Doing this allows them to stay at the for front and make sure our military is prepared for