One of the significant elements while discussing about organization development is to discuss its own existing culture as the culture itself is part of organization behavior that gives significant role in shaping organizational sustainability.
Above all there is a need to recognize the right culture for any organization to achieve excellence. Peters and Waterman (1982) clearly described organizational culture as the human side of an organization with managers’ key role being to shape culture by making meaning for employees out of the confusing place that some organization can be. It is no doubt one of the absolute function of any organization is to look into its own existing culture, whether it should be changed or maintained to achieve organization’s missions and objectives.
Since the culture itself is a very subjective subject that involves and dealings with human activities, there always be conflicts and resistance occurs with the progress of introducing a new culture or abolishing the existing and outdated culture.
Organizational development and change have to deal with replacing the existing practiced culture to a fresh new one, which may be not totally acceptable to some members of the organization. Dick and Ellis (2006) stated that we cannot identify one best culture for all organization in all situations. In other words there is not perfect set of organizational culture that can fit to any organization. Rather it should be treated as a unique element of any organization that differs from one another.
There are some operating definitions regarding organizational culture. Gareth R. Jones (1997) defined organizational culture as the set of shared values and norms that control organizational members’ interaction with each other and with people outside the organization. This means that it
References: 1. Peters, T. Waterman, R. (1982). In Search of Excellence. New York & London. Harper & Row; 2 3. Jones, Gareth R (1997). Organizational Theory. Text and Cases. Second Edition. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Company; 4 5. Abdul Rashid, Md Z, Sambasivan, M and Abdul Rahman, A (2003). “The influence of organizational culture on attitude towards organizational change”. The leadership & Organizational Development Journal Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 161-179; 6 7. Harrison, R (1995), The collected papers of Roger Harisson. London. McGraw-Hill.; 8 9. Chris Jarvis (2005) - Business Open Learning Archive (BOLA) Harrison: Typologies of Organisational Culture - http://www.bola.biz/culture/harrison.html 10 11. Brown, Donald R. & Harvey, D (2006). An Experimental Approach to Organizational Development Seventh edition. New Jersey. Pearson Prentice Hall