University of Mary Washington – College of Business
MBUS 521 A1 - Human Resources Management
Dr. Bob Greene
September 11, 2010
In fiscal year 2010 WRI will have hired approximately 60 new staff. Given a 35% increase projected, which includes growth over the last fiscal year, tremendous growth over the past 3 years, and the projected 20% upcoming growth; recruitment and retention need to be a top priority for the organization.
Position Realignment and Openings WRI’s recent and projected growth has led the Human Resources Team to identify the need to enhance and broaden middle management. WRI needs more middle managers with skill and experience who can articulate project-level strategies aligned with objective, program, and overall WRI strategies; enable the project managers and teams to stay focused on the highest priorities; manage and develop the project managers; handle many of the internal aspects of running a program; integrate work across WRI; and become the talent pipeline for leading WRI programs and functions in the future. Increasing the overall capabilities of middle managers and the number of them at WRI is a necessary move to support the growth and overall recruitment objective. WRI is currently in need of restructuring each program to implement or enhance the middle management structure. For example, the Climate and Energy program historically held a hierarchy structure of a Program Director and a Deputy Director who jointly led a team of 25-30 staff members. With recent and projected program growth, the Deputy Director position has been reorganized into an Objective Director role without losing seniority within the structure. It is currently necessary to hire two additional Directors at the same level; each focused on a separate objective which aligns under this program, thus creating a structure of three middle managers. Each of the objectives will have continuing growth