
Organizational Responsibility And Ethics Paper

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Organizational Responsibility and Ethics Paper
June 21, 2010
University of Phoenix

Organizational Responsibility and Ethics Paper
According to the Census Bureau in the United States 41.2 million American or 14% don’t have any “health insurance” in comparison “to 14.2% or 40.1million” for the year 2000. Therefore, of the uninsured population they are 28.2% who are children’s and most of the populations are low income families and minorities. “In 1995, sixteen to nineteen percent of insured people were underinsured, meaning that they had decreased access to care an increased risk of out-of-pocket expenses.” (Stroupe, Kinney, & Kniesner, 2000) Moreover, “91.1million or approximately 1/3 of the population is uninsured
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Johnson, p. 1, 2006) Therefore, the hospital has review accreditations, which are “conducted under the auspice of the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health care Organizations (JCAHO).” Further, they do not have a specific requirement for regular meetings to review the Medical Ethics 395. This committee is well-situated ethics committee, which goes forward in “demonstrating compliance with JCAHO regulations, and insuring the various indispensable benefits that comes from an accredited organization.” (Paul F. Johnson, p. 1, 2006)They are various Habermas features that are relevant in a “contemporary medical ethics that places the organization in the appropriate direction.” (Paul F. Johnson, p. 1, …show more content…

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