Purpose of Organization Structure The organizational structure determines the company’s procedures, controls, decision making process and reporting relationships. Structure is a very significant part of implementing a strategy effectively. When the company’s strategies are determined, the structure of the organization will then determine the work that needs to be accomplished and how it is performed. The manager’s task and the decisions that were made from the tasks are influenced by the structure of the organization. Structures are there to give stability. The company needs the stability to be able to implement the strategies successfully. They also need structure to keep the competitive advantage that they currently possess while forming new advantages for future needs. As a company grows there will eventually be a need for the strategy to change in order to continue their success in the industry. As a result of the new strategy, the organizational structure may have to be adjusted to supports the changes made in the company strategies.
Emerson Structure Options Emerson has three options of organizational structures to choose when implementing their strategy. The different structures include simple structure, functional structure and multidivisional structure. The simple structure is a structure where the staff serves under the manager’s authority while the manager makes all the major decisions for the company. The functional structure has the functional line managers in the areas of the organization where it is dominant (HR, production, accounting). This structure includes a CEO