2. Description of orientation at TMN Media 4 2.1 Recap of TMN Media 5 2.2 Evidence of the sales orientation at TMN Media 5 2.3 Short-termism at MutualPoints 5 2.4 Possible change on the horizon 6
3. Developing a relationship orientation 6 3.1 Establish sense of urgency 7 3.2 Form a powerful coalition 8 3.3 Create a vision for change 8 3.4 Communicate the vision 9 3.5 Remove obstacles 9 3.6 Create short term wins 9 3.7 Build on the change 10 3.8 Anchor the change in company culture 10 3.9 Summary 11
References 12 Appendix 14 Company Overview 14 Company Details 14 Key Customer Groups 14 Principal Competitors 14
1. Review of the different types of orientation
1.1 Sales Orientation
“An approach to business that centres its activities on selling whatever it can produce, assuming that customers are inherently reluctant to purchase.” (Pearson 2008)
A sales orientation focuses heavily on selling the products that the company produces. As such it can often have a short-term outlook and focus overly on selling to a customer and not on building a long-term relationship with them. As such this approach is often popular in markets where the ticket item is of high value and with limited repeat purchase potential.
Whilst a sales orientation does bare some similarities to a marketing orientation in that both make use of pricing, promotion and distribution skills, the sales orientation differs in that little thought is given to what the customer actually wants.
As the sales orientation assumes that salesmanship is required to sell the product it can also be assumed that the products are typically not necessities.
References: Wilson H, Daniel E and McDonald M (2002) Factors for Success in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems. Journal of Marketing Management Volume 18 (1-2) p193-219 Burston, J (2008) Email marketing, making it customer centric Taylor, T (2008) Spam is in the eye of the beholder. DMA Email Marketing Council. http://dmaemailblog.typepad.com/dma_email_marketing_counc/2008/06/spam-is-in-the.html [accessed on 11th June 2008] Pearson (2008) Marketing Glossary Finegan D and Willcocks L (2007) Implementing CRM: From Technology to Knowledge. John Wiley & Sons Kholi, Ajay and Bernard J Seybold, P., (1999) Customers.com, Random House Seybold, P., (2001) The Customer Revolution, Random House Lewin, K. (1951) Field theory in social science; selected theoretical papers. Harper & Row Kotter J (1996) Leading Change Liker, J., (2004) The Toytota Way, McGraw Hill Nonaka, I and Takeuchi, H Seely-Brown S, Denning S, Groh K and Prusak L. (2004) Storytelling in Organizations: Why Storytelling Is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management Butterworth-Heinemann Appendix