the United States by… Aron, Coming of Age in Mississippi: A Biography… by … and the
distinguished Dr. William Powell’s North Carolina through Four Centuries, all books that, from
one time or another surrounded me in times of exploration and supplemented a vigorous
Now, they sit on the book shelves that I reserve only for books that have
had an impact on my education and unique observance and analysis of American history.
A new chapter began when I enrolled in the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in the fall of 2012 with the intention of studying criminology or psychology. I took classes in anthropology and history my first …show more content…
semester of college and found that I had an interest in observing human interaction. After surveying courses in both concentrations I decided to pursue American History in the fall of my Sophomore year.
My interest in Southern History was amplified when I studied North Carolina History from 1524 to 1835 with the preeminent North Carolina Historian, Alan Watson which was a true honor and a very enlightening experience for someone who aspires to pursue Southern History. I explored Southern History through a new lens by taking Film and History, which concentrated
on …..
Seminar: US Regional History: Reconstruction to the Regan Revolution
Wilmington: A Study in Development
Courses that focused on areas of applied history that included guest lecturers, hands on
experiences, field trips and particular exercises helped broaden my understanding for Public
History. These experiences opened my eyes to an area of history that I had not previously
Public History is an avenue that I can pursue that combines all of the aspects of the
field that I appreciate. I was required to take an introductory research methods course, it
focused on the history of tourism in the United States. This course was the key to
understanding how to conduct historical research and methodology, and even though there
was a specific focus, it has helped me from then on and even today.
In the autumn of 2013 I registered for an Introduction to Public History course.
Exploration of the individual aspects of Public History such as Archives, Museum Education,
Oral Histories and Library Studies were extremely enlightening in this course. At the same time
As a part of my undergraduate studies, I completed a semester long internship in
Historic Downtown Wilmington at the Burgwin-Wright House and Gardens. The Burgwin-Wright
House is one of the oldest colonial homes left in Wilmington, built in 1770 by John Burgwin, a
British merchant of Naval Stores. My internship duties at the Burgwin-Wright House paired my
love for Southern and art histories. For my research project I was to research the artwork that
was original to the home and had been accumulated throughout the centuries by …show more content…
owners. This experienced helped strengthen my skills in research by the the research
assignment that required me to spend an allotted time each week researching.
It also gave me
experience working with archives and primary historical documents.
In the Spring semester of my Junior year I took a huge and ambitious risk and decided
that I wanted to study abroad. My GPA and grades qualified me to become an international
exchange student in London, England at the University of Roehampton. I took courses in Sex
and Politics in Early Modern England, The Historical Jesus and The Americas.
My love for Southern History stems from the importance of family in my life. I have always placed family first. Each branch of my family has been in the south for generations and have contributed to history in a variety of ways. I have lived in the same rural area of South
Eastern North Carolina that my ancestors and generations before me have.
The opportunity to expand my foundational knowledge base achieved through vigorous undergraduate studies …..
It is my goal to approach Southern History in new and innovative ways. I want to look
away from the archaic outdated ideas that have been set forth by generations before
In an era where History is somewhat evanescent, it is more important than ever to
and study it. More importantly the field of Public History is becoming more crucial fo