The demographics of this community are primarily Caucasian and upper-middle class. The white population of Orono accounts for 91.5% of all citizens while the second most common racial group is that of Asian decent with only 2.8%. Most of the white population is decedent of either German, Norwegian, or Irish heritage and affiliate with Christianity (primarily Catholic and Protestant sects). While the statistics are staggeringly skewed towards a near entirely white population, there has been an increase in population size and racial diversity from the 2000 census to today. The community is primarily middle-age individuals that are married with children. The median household income in Orono was $100,325 in 2013 which is well above the state ($60,702) and the national median household income ($51,939). This access to wealth stems from the high education level of the community where nearly 99% of citizens have graduated from high school and 60% of the community has a bachelor’s
The demographics of this community are primarily Caucasian and upper-middle class. The white population of Orono accounts for 91.5% of all citizens while the second most common racial group is that of Asian decent with only 2.8%. Most of the white population is decedent of either German, Norwegian, or Irish heritage and affiliate with Christianity (primarily Catholic and Protestant sects). While the statistics are staggeringly skewed towards a near entirely white population, there has been an increase in population size and racial diversity from the 2000 census to today. The community is primarily middle-age individuals that are married with children. The median household income in Orono was $100,325 in 2013 which is well above the state ($60,702) and the national median household income ($51,939). This access to wealth stems from the high education level of the community where nearly 99% of citizens have graduated from high school and 60% of the community has a bachelor’s