Methods To perform the experiment gloves and safety goggles were obtained. Two decalcified eggs were also obtained from the teacher. Using an electronic scale, the initial mass was measured and recorded of each egg. One egg was then placed in a beaker of distilled water while the other was placed in a beaker of syrup. After a time lapse of ten minutes, each egg was taken out and dabbed to remove excess liquids. After excess liquids had been removed, they were placed on the scale one at a time. The mass was then recorded in a data table. These steps were repeated in ten minute intervals four more times, each time recording the mass in the data table. After all measurements were collected, the percent of mass change was calculated using the formula listed below:
100(Mass after Immersion-Initial Mass)
Initial mass
Results After the fifty minutes soaking in the solution, the egg placed in water gained mass (Table 1) while the egg placed in syrup lost mass after fifty minutes (Table 2). The percent of mass change was calculated and put
Cited: Miller, Kenneth Raymond, and Joseph S. Levine. Prentice Hall Biology. Boston: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.