What is bone’s Extracellular matrix made up of? 13. What is calcification? 14. What is ossification? 15.…
Bones grow in three stages during life. The bone starts growing in the embryo at around 8 weeks. Ossification is the word for the formation of bone. There are osteoblasts that help form the bone and osteoclasts that eat away at old bone. Bones start off as cartilage, but then is replaced by bone. Connective tissue forms a sheet where the bones are going to be. These connective tissue sheets are highly invested with blood vessels. Some of the cells in the connective tissue sheets differentiate into osteoblasts. These osteoblasts begin laying down the bone extracellular matrix, called spongy bone. These osteoblasts get trapped within the hard matrix and are then called osteocytes. As time goes more and more osteoblasts form from the connective tissue sheets. The connective tissue sheets, as they become major producers of osteocytes, are no longer called connective tissue sheets. They are now called the bone's periosteum. But the newer osteoblasts made by the periosteum cannot enter the spongy bone. So, they begin to accumulate on the edges of the spongy…
Under certain conditions, during normal bone growth in youth and old age, cartilage can become calcified (hardened due to deposit of calcium salts).…
4. You should see a large bone and a short, slender, spiny bone. The large bone is the tibio-tarsus (equivalent to the tibia in humans) and the short bone is the fibula. Separate the two bones.…
Which ossification method would form a femur? The femur is formed through the endochondral ossification process. This is where bone replaces the cartilage. There are six steps in this type of ossification and they are as follows: the development of the cartilage model, the growth of the cartilage model, the development of the primary ossification center, the development of the medullary cavity, the development of the secondary ossification center, and the formation or articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate…
A 10-year-old boy is seen for evaluation of short stature and tibial deformity. His past medical history is notable for term birth with the following birth parameters: birth weight was 2460 grams (30 ng/ml), elevated alkaline phosphatase level (491 U/L; normal 100-325 U/L), normal calcium and phosphorous levels, and elevated spot urine N-terminal telopeptides (NTx; 574 nM BCE/mM Cr; normal 152-505 nM BCE/mM Cr). Bone mineral density by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) showed a total body Z-score of -3.4 indicating bone mineral density below normal range. Molecular genetic testing identified a pathogenic mutation in the IFITM5 gene, confirming a diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta, type V.…
The femur is formed through the endochondral ossification process. This is where bone replaces the cartilage. There are six steps in this type of ossification and they are as follows; one the development of cartilage model, two the growth of the cartilage model, three the development of the primary ossification center, four the development of the medullary cavity, five the development of the secondary ossification centers, and six the formation of articular cartilage and the epiphyseal plate…
Spongy bone is the internal while the compact are the external layer. Osteogenic cells are the stem cell of the bones. The osteoblast are the matrix-synthesizing cell that is responsible for bone growth while the osteocyte is mature bone cells that monitor and maintain the mineralized bone matrix. Osteocytes are bone reabsorbing cells.…
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive, more commonly known as ‘Stone Man’s Syndrome’ or the abbreviation ‘FOP’, is genetic disease involving the body’s connective tissue. It is one of the medical world’s most rare and debilitating illnesses. As its common name says, Stone Man’s Disease causes “bone tissue begins to grow where muscles, tendons, and other connective tissues should be, effectively restricting movement” (Torres, 2013). As a result, the boy’s ligaments, tendons, and muscles form into solid bone. The individual with the disease will eventually develop a second skeleton over top of his/her original one (Panter, 2013). Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive is the only documented medical condition in which a normal functioning organ system turns into another (FOP, 2009). Because “the heart and other organs are made up of a different kind of muscle, they do not grow bone tissue” and remain unaffected by the disease’s effects (Torres, 2013).…
Dealing with the unknown Did you know that there are 206 bones in the adult human body and 300 in a child's? When children grow some of the bones fuse together. As everyone can imagine it probably took time, experiments, and research to figure this out.…
There are on average 206 individual bones in an adult human skeleton, which are both metabolically active and highly vascularised. Bones have many important roles within the human body, for example they provide structure and support for the fleshy tissue, protection of vital organs eg the brain in the cranial cavity, storage for vital materials eg calcium and phosphorus and also enables movement of the body as the bones provide a surface for ligament, muscles and tendons to attach to. The bones also play a role in blood production of both white and red blood cells as bone marrow is stored in the central cavity of long bones. The 206 individual bones can be divided in to 5 subgroups of bone, these are;…
The human body is amazing in so many different ways, but yet very complex. So many things are happening all at once. The human body is sustained by the skeleton which is composed of the three most important parts: bones, cartilage, and ligaments. The Skeletal System is composed of two-hundred and six bones. Each of the bones are connected to another bone by ligaments and or tendons. Ligaments are a strong, flexible, and fibrous tissue that connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a…
Given a physical model or an electronic image of the human skeleton identify the different types of cartilages and bones and compare their structures, growth, and function as they are related to various medical conditions.…
When aging a juvenile skeleton, there are many methods that can be used such as the length of long bones or dental eruption (Garvin et al, 2012). These can be used with a certain degree of reliability, in particular the development of the dentition is reported to be the least effected by environmental factors, and therefore considered the most preferable method of age determination for a juvenile skeleton (Scheur and Black, 2000). Markers of adulthood include the full fusion of the…
Sky’s legs are about two times the length of her torso, and her arms fall past her hip well into her mid-thigh in length. According to our textbook, “Much of the change in body’s proportions and appearance is due to the lengthening of the long bones of the arms, legs, and fingers (Olsen, Reginato, & Wang, 2000).” The bone development process ossification plays a critical role in the strengthening, hardening, and generating new tissue by the growth plates of the bones which are critical in children’s growth. Some of Sky’s other visible characteristics are her black curly hair, and large almond shaped brown eyes. She has a big grin, and although her front tooth is currently loose hasn’t lost any baby teeth…