Usually children who's bones break easily are suspected to have OI and also if you see the blue tints in their eyes. Also a skin punch biopsy may be done for an exact diagnosis and also family members may be given a DNA blood test. If there is a family history of OI, chorionic villus sampling may be done during pregnancy to determine if the baby has the condition. CVS is a prenatal test a pregnant woman can get to see if her baby has any defects. However, because so many different mutations can cause OI, some forms cannot be diagnosed with a genetic test. The severe form of type II osteogenesis imperfecta can be seen on ultrasound when the fetus is as young as 16 …show more content…
Physical therapy can help strengthen your muscles as much as they will allow and trying to control symptoms is the best thing that can be done for this disease. Doctors try and make sure OI victims have as much mobility as they can independently and that they live the best life they possibly can. Excising regularly and strengthening your lungs, heart, and muscles is very important a long with eating healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Another step that can be taken to help OI is called rodding. Rodding is when surgeons places rods with along side your long bones to strengthen them and to also to prevent/correct any deformities. Many medications are being explored to see if they can help OI. Some of these are growth horemones treatments, treatment with intravenous and oral drugs called bisphosphonates, an injected drug called teriparatide (for adults only) and gene