People are sometimes “blinded” from reality. Even though the answer to the question may seem very apparent, it isn’t to them. “Blindness” has multiple meanings and is seen in the play “Oedipus the King” in a couple ways. When the truth is presented to Oedipus, he realizes that he was blinded to the truth for most of his life. After finding this out, he physically blinds himself. Other characters in the play were blind to the truth as well including Jocasta.
Oedipus was shaded to the truth of his own life. Oedipus didn’t have any idea that his parents were who they turned out to be, Laius and Jocasta. He was oblivious to everything so much that when he did finally hear the truth, he would get angry at anyone who proposed the facts to him. As the story progressed, Oedipus was unprotected from the truth. He realized he was the person causing horrible periods in Thebes. He also recognized that he killed his own dad and married his mom. Oedipus was also literally blind towards the end of the play. When Oedipus acknowledged the truth, he stuck pins in his eyes. In the play, Teiresias specifically said to Oedipus, “You have came into Thebes with your sight but you will leave Thebes without it.” Since Oedipus had nothing to look at it required him to think about his life and everything that happened. He now had to deal with what happened. The blackness of him being blind acted as a reminder to what happened. I feel as if the blackness as well as the pain acted as the punishment for what he did. Hamartia is seen within the subject of Oedipus becoming blind. In every Greek tragedy, the end has a downfall and the tragedy is supposed to play a part in one of the main characters storyline. Hamartia usually refers to when a character comes to a downfall because of them not knowing something. In this case, Oedipus is blind to the truth. The downfall is when he stabs himself with pins in his eyes that blind