Throughout the entirety of Shakespeare’s “Othello”, there are many scenes of conflict between the characters and Shakespeare presents these conflicts in a number of different ways. The most notable conflicts are between the main characters: Othello, Iago and Desdemona, among others like Roderigo, Cassio, Brabantio, Emilia and Bianca.…
rapidly, it may not be indicated by the script that it has changed, and was most…
Discuss this statement, showing how composers of texts represent their ideas in relation to identity. In your response you must refer to Othello and one other related text.…
ACT 1IAGO I hate the Moor: And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets He has done my office: I know not if't be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety. (1.3.12)…
Othello’s path to obsession begins with Iago planting seeds of doubt into his mind, which convinces Othello that Desdemona is being unfaithful. He says to himself, “She is gone. I am abused, and my relief/Must be to loathe her” (3.3.283-84), and later claims that he “will withdraw/To furnish [him] with some swift means of death/For [Desdemona]” (3.3.492-94). These lines reveal that although there has not been any solid proof, Othello’s mind is already constantly occupied by the mere possibility of Desdemona being unfaithful to him. His obsession finally becomes clear when he says “In the due reverence of a sacred vow/I here engage my words,” (3.3.470-71). This line reveals that he is set on getting revenge for being betrayed and thus, has become a goal. It is his goal to get revenge so even when Desdemona after insists that she has done nothing wrong, Othello tells her to “confess thee freely of thy sin” (5.2.61) and that even if she denies it all, it will not change his mind, as he makes clear by telling her “Thou art to die” (5.2.65). Othello’s refusal to listen to Desdemona is what leads to his failure, for it was his goal to kill her no matter what she said and only after she is dead does he learn that she was actually innocent.…
William Shakespeare based his play Othello, published in 1603, on the short story Un Capitano Moro by Giraldi Cinthio, which was published in 1565. Even though the two stories have many similar points and aspects, they are quite different. The basic structure of the plot is almost the same in both stories; each author simply wrote in their own details. Both authors also had different writing styles. Cinthio chose not to name any of his characters except for Disdemona, and Shakespeare gave all of his characters actual names. Shakespeare mainly depended on indirect characterization. His characters expressed their true intentions through…
William Shakespeare's play Othello and Tim Blake Nelson's contemporary appropriation O both portray universal themes that are relevant to their contexts. Both composers used a variety of techniques to effectively explore various themes and values in their text. Although the values of each composer's time have changed as time progressed, many themes are still evident in both texts. These include jealousy, racism and appearance versus reality, however the techniques used by both composers that differ greatly. The themes which are common in texts - jealousy, racism and appearance versus reality - are conveyed through the use of different techniques. Shakespeare used literary devices such as imagery, soliloquies and asides to suit his contemporary Elizabethan audience. Tim Blake Nelson on the other hand, utilized a variety of film techniques such as different camera work, sound effects and editing to suit his 21st century adolescent audience. However what can be clearly seen in both texts are the values which were considered important in their owner's time period.…
Act 1, Scene 1 Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian, and Iago, a member of the Venetian military, argue. Roderigo complains that Iago is failing to help him in his courtship and is actually on the side of Othello, a man Roderigo despises. Iago frantically reassures him that he hates Othello and tells him that Othello failed to promote him. Instead, Othello promoted a man to lieutenant considered exceptionally unqualified for the position – Michael Cassio. Cassio was skilled in academics and strategy but had little experience in war.…
How is the theme of suffering portrayed in ‘Othello’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’?…
Deception creates an illusion that sways an individual away from the truth and propels them towards a deceptive reality in which knowledge and truth show signs of opposition. The Count of Monte Cristo, directed by Kevin Reynolds, and Othello, written by William Shakespeare contain similarities showing capability between both stories. Appearance vs. Reality is unmistakably a common theme within both works that is evidently a result of deception, jealousy and revenge.…
In othello , there are a huge amount of historical differences in othello compared to modern day, One them would be social ranking. Today there would be the celebrities, Then in othello time period, would be war heroes like othello and senators, And men that have land. But social order is just one of many historical differences in othello. Their also technology and uses of language, and some other. We will start with social ranking, also known as social order or social status.…
Othello is the almighty, respected, and victorious General of the Venetian forces, but finds himself defeated in his most important battle. Othello past triumphs are proof of his strength and reputation, “For since these arms of mine had seven years’ pith” (Act I, Scene 3). Othello loyalty to the people of Venice is shown throughout the play, and the trust he…
Although uncommon, the love between the Black African Prince Othello and Elegant Desdemona was as beautiful as the city itself. Iago’s relationship with Othello, however, was not as beautiful. Othello, appointed the general of the Venetian army, chose his lieutenant that day. His choice, however, did not fall in Iago’s favor. Instead of picking the war-seasoned Iago, he picked a Michael Cassio, a man who had never set foot upon the battle field. This automatically made Iago his Ensign. “It is evident that Iago felt jealous that night, and this jealously may have been his motives against Othello”, Dr. Seike…
Throughout history, audiences have been entertained by tales of tragedy and catastrophe. Though each author and every story they write puts a unique spin on the genre, the characters employed are often not too dissimilar. Whether admiring drama from ancient Greece or reading the works of the Renaissance era, most of the characters have a parallel character in existing somewhere else literature. These parallels are rarely as clear as when Othello, from Shakespeare 's play Othello, and Oedipus, from Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, are juxtaposed. The similarities include in their societal positions as prominent and powerful men, the role they each play in their own demises and the fact that both of…
When I began watching the two clips in the play Othello, Act III scene 3 which was the handkerchief scene, I started watching the BBC Version of the play, and personally it caught me a bit off guard because although I read the play, the acting out portion of the play was very outdated in many ways such as; the costuming on characters, it was a British film Broadcasting compared to a Castle Rock Entertainment piece with 21st century characters and clothing. Does the display of the play’s scene such as characters age, style of living wither it was modern day or present day, color of film affect the viewer’s perception of the play? I believe it becomes difficult to follow along with what is going on in a particular scene because of its disadvantages such as the lighting of each scene, how the music collaborates with what is going on in the scene, the date and year the film was recorded. The style of clothing chosen for the characters in both scene A and scene B differ dramatically. I want to be engaged in what it is that I am watching and I feel as if the more up to date the film is then the better chances of my focus and attention to be on that play more than the other.…