In the short story, “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami, about a boy’s close friend named K. gets killed in a typhoon and the seventh man experienced guilt from the disaster, it says, “I wake up in the darkness, screaming, breathless drenched in sweat,” (Murakami 141). The seventh man had nightmares every night of the disaster. The seventh man was afraid if he was ever the ocean, his nightmare would come true. This connects to my claim because he was suffering from recurring nightmares, and the seventh had survivors because he was reminding that his friend had died in his dreams. Survivor’s guilt can also keep you from healing, which can lead to the survivor always having survivor's guilt. In the short story, “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami states, “This is probably why I never married. I didn’t want to wake someone sleeping next to me with my screams in the middle of the night.” (Murakami 141). Since the seventh man was having recurring nightmares, as well as never getting married, he had never found happiness in his life. The seventh man could never tell another person what happened during that
In the short story, “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami, about a boy’s close friend named K. gets killed in a typhoon and the seventh man experienced guilt from the disaster, it says, “I wake up in the darkness, screaming, breathless drenched in sweat,” (Murakami 141). The seventh man had nightmares every night of the disaster. The seventh man was afraid if he was ever the ocean, his nightmare would come true. This connects to my claim because he was suffering from recurring nightmares, and the seventh had survivors because he was reminding that his friend had died in his dreams. Survivor’s guilt can also keep you from healing, which can lead to the survivor always having survivor's guilt. In the short story, “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami states, “This is probably why I never married. I didn’t want to wake someone sleeping next to me with my screams in the middle of the night.” (Murakami 141). Since the seventh man was having recurring nightmares, as well as never getting married, he had never found happiness in his life. The seventh man could never tell another person what happened during that