What do make a country succeed? We know that it is education because an adage goes that “Education is the backbone of a nation”. And to grab the success we must build a educated nation but our country fails to prepare all the students for the university during their S.S.C and H.S.C level. It is become a major problem of our educational system. And day by day it is increasing. I strongly believe that our country fails to prepare all the students at their S.S.C and H.S.C level.
At the first place, this educational system is responsible for our study which is being damaged. To cope with the system we are try to memorize all he thing and write down on the exam paper. And that leads us in a wrong learning way. But I have to say to sorrow that our teachers and parents like this wrong system. Some of them are persuaded the students to keep themselves with this. So to get marks and pass through the exam students also try to learn in this way.
Secondly, this education system creates a hindrance to our higher study. Students can do well in S.S.C and H.S.C level but lack of god concept they can’t do well in the university. A study shows that previous year in the Dhaka university admission examination at most 50% are failed to pass the exam where most of the students get GPA-5 or golden GPA in their S.S.C and H.S.C examination. Why students make disaster in the university entrance examination? The only reason behind this problem is that admission test syllabus and board exam syllabus is quite different. For the failure many students are falling into deep depression and sometime it makes some unexpected incident.
And finally, for this we are failed to build quality manpower. To achieve the success a country needs quality manpower which leads the country towards development. But our educational system is failed to provide this. Though every year many