Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. The first line of the poem states “Watch your thoughts, they become your words.” Every thing that comes out of our mouths comes from a thought- whether consciously or unconsciously. If we never think of anything, then we won’t do anything. Usually, a kind, happy thought precedes kind, happy words. It can also go the other way in terms of kind thoughts. The poem reminds us to “watch” our thoughts because part of having goods morals means being kind. We don’t want to say anything that we will regret saying or that makes us seem like a bad person. The next line adds on to the poem by stating “Watch your words, they become your actions.” Our bodies instinctively follow the words we are saying- whether they are sour or sweet. If we say things enough, then we will actually do them. For example, someone can think that they don’t like their unorganized room and want to clean it. That person then tells their mother that they are going to clean it. Over time and