Our Generation: The New Gilded Age
Many would argue that our generation is the "New Gilded Age", but I tend to disagree with society. Although in the late 19th century was a milestone for american history, i believe we are better then ever nowndays! Back in the 19th century was a giant bomb of rapid industries exploding out of nowehere. this giant boom of an industry sky rocketed the modern industrial economy. Now in our time the internet has taken over a vast part of our economy, because of this we are now able to acess more then ever. The interenet has taken industries to the next level and has made some of the largest corporations in history. Back in the gilded age there was corruption on ither side of the poles, much like today, but the difference is that we have had a much
greater voter turn out. Now, people aren't taking the back seat and watching our government, they are becoming apart and increasingly involved.