A successful economy is key leading factor in successful running a nation. An economy is a balance between constantly conflicting elements. An Economy’s success is measured by the amount of wealth it contains, not to mention the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of its distribution of the wealth. In this essay I will be stating how those who prospered during the gilded age used their power to ultimately control the government and its people.
Despite how uneven classes may be it is difficult to find a fair way to distribute wealth fairly. Wealthy and poor people will always coexist but in battle. The government’s in this case acts as a referee. A government must, therefore, regulate the economy so that the power struggle stays relatively even. Those who are considered as poor feel like they are unable to go anywhere that the upper class has. As the rich feel they are helping by using their wealth. Poor versus rich debates will never go away no matter how much change is done to government and society. Poverty however can’t be helped. Today it is possible poverty is what is deserved for laziness in American society. American economy also changes with different periods of history. The Civil War was the spark of industrialization which enhanced the American economy. As a result their became a time in history that would earn many men their fortunes and cost many more men their sanity. Capitalism was the name of the game and due to the drastic labor problems and the social issues because America was developing this system.
Although the gap between rich and poor during the late nineteenth was large, the nation was experienced large economic gains. With the end of free labor, the US had sought a new ideology, and found it in Adam Smith’s market model. He essentially wrote the phycology for the business model in which was “The interests of the worker and the master are by no means the same and in the event of an open conflict between them, the