The 1919 Act allowed the New Constitution of 1920 (Indian National Congress) to be formed. Their aim was to maintain Swaraj (self-rule) by peaceful means. The Congress was evidently an organised constitution. These legitimate means could potentially lead India towards establishing a more significant role in politics in India and influencing the way India was run. The 1920 policy of non-cooperation affected many aspects of the British rule, securing the fact that the INC wanted self-rule.
2. What evidence is there to suggest that the 1919 Act made very little difference to the Indians as the British were still effectively in charge?
The establishment of the INC didn’t necessarily change British attitudes towards the Indians, who theoretically could have still been viewed as a secondary class. The core administration work was still done by the British. As India was effectively owned by the British and they continued to be oppressive through the police and other institutions. 3. In what way did the INC change in 1920?
In 1920 Tilak died and Gandhi became very influential in the Indian National Congress, turning the INC into a mass movement. Under Gandhi’s lead the INC decided to adopt a policy of passive resistance to British rule. He encouraged Indians to resign from their government jobs, and boycott British law courts by setting up their own private arbitration courts. Students left British schools and instead attended institutions. People were told to refrain from buying any British imported goods, from which the British trade suffered. Instead; they were encouraged to buy Swadeshi products, or items that were produced in India. 4. What did Gandhi mean by ‘Nation Building’? What use to the INC was ‘Nation Building’?
By the term; ‘nation building’ Gandhi was referring to a task he devoted himself to after his retirement